Empowering Hybrid Teams: 10 Techniques for Motivation and Results

April 1, 2024

Hybrid work has become the norm for many of us. But how can we help support and enable teams in this setup in the right way? What do they really need to stay motivated, productive and successful?

Annabell Benjamin

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Flexible work has become the new norm in the era of technology and digitization, making it possible for employees to work from the comfort of their homes. With the ability to communicate across locations and time zones in real-time, companies can expand their teams globally, creating a more diverse workforce. The popularity of flexible work models, like hybrid work, has increased as more employees are experiencing the benefits of working from home. However, while remote work provides flexibility and comfort, it also comes with challenges, such as a lack of motivation, decreased productivity, and missing the connection of seeing colleagues in person.

This article will discuss 10 effective ways to motivate your hybrid team.

1. Clear Communication

When your team works from different locations, prioritizing communication can be put on the back burner. Communication happens more slowly, and the spontaneity of in-person interaction is lost. Additionally, certain silent communication cues are missed, creating a tendency toward misunderstanding. Therefore, implement regular check-ins and updates to help employees feel connected and informed about what’s happening in the company. Encourage your team to communicate regularly through video calls or messaging platforms. This will help build a sense of camaraderie and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Set Goals and Objectives

Goals and objectives provide a sense of purpose and direction for remote workers. Since the clarity of certain tasks can be compromised in remote settings, it is important that employees know what they need to work towards. Set clear and realistic goals for your team, and provide them with the resources and support they need to achieve them. For example, develop clear OKRs and have each member of the team share them with each other. Or, hold weekly meetings to clarify the goals and objectives for that week. This will help keep them motivated and focused on their work.

3. Celebrate Successes

Remote teams can sometimes feel isolated and disconnected from the team or the organization, so it’s important to celebrate their successes and acknowledge their hard work. When work is being done at home, managers and team leaders cannot see what is being achieved on a daily basis, which can leave employees feeling underappreciated. Therefore, taking extra care to reward and acknowledge employees for their work is key. This could be through virtual team-building activities, shoutouts in team meetings, or even a small token of appreciation such as a gift card.

4. Foster a Positive Work Culture

A positive work culture can go a long way in keeping remote teams motivated because happy employees are simply more productive. When we like where we work and what we do, we are more inclined to show up 100% at work and do our jobs will encourage your team to engage in friendly and professional banter and provide a platform for them to share their thoughts and ideas. This will help build a sense of community and keep your team motivated. This is crucial because personal connection can be lacking in remote environments, and a positive work culture contributes to employee retention.

5. Provide Flexibility

Remote work can be challenging, especially for those who have to balance work and personal life, especially working parents and those with busy personal lives. When the boundaries between work and life get blurred, we can get caught up in trying to manage our personal and work lives simultaneously. Providing your team with flexibility can help ease this burden and keep them motivated. For example, allowing them to set their work hours or take breaks when needed can help improve their overall work-life balance.

6. Invest in Mental Health and Well-Being

Remote work can be isolating and, in some setups, e.g., when having kids at home, additionally stressful, so investing in your team’s mental health and well-being is important. It is normal for remote workers to struggle with loneliness because they have fewer opportunities to connect with colleagues in person. Additionally, since the lines between work and life get blurred, it’s easy to work overtime or let work seep into personal life. Encourage your team to take breaks, engage in physical activities, and seek help if they feel overwhelmed. Consider offering mental health benefits, such as therapy or coaching sessions, to help support your team.

7. Encourage Professional Development

Continuous learning and professional development are crucial for keeping remote teams motivated. It is also important for employee retention as most individuals want to grow in their careers continuously and are looking for a work environment that facilitates that. Encourage your team to take courses, use coaching offers, and attend webinars or conferences to help them stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements. They will not only get to explore topics they are interested in, but they will also expand their knowledge in ways that benefit your company. 

8. Offer Employee Recognition Programs

We all need a level of extrinsic motivation to keep us going! Therefore, consider offering rewards for top performers or creating a recognition program that celebrates the achievements of your team members. This will help boost morale by showing employees that their work is making an impact and that their work is valued. And recognizing certain employees might motivate others to garner the same acknowledgment.

9. Provide the Right Tools

Technology is crucial as the right tool guides communication, organization, task management, and more. Consider investing in a workplace management app like deskbird to help coordinate your hybrid team efficiently. Your hybrid working toolkit should reflect employee centricity, be tailor-made, and match the trends of the future of work, just like deskbird's software does.

10. Regular Feedback

Regular feedback is important for remote teams as it helps them stay motivated and on track. Knowing what to improve and how to improve it guides employees' efforts on a daily basis. There might be an easier or more efficient way to complete tasks that might not be understood without feedback. Consider conducting regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions to help your team understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This will help keep them motivated and focused on their work.

It's important to create a feedback-friendly environment where feedback is viewed as a tool for growth and development rather than criticism. Team members should be encouraged to actively seek feedback and learn from it to continue to develop and achieve their goals. Ultimately, giving and receiving feedback effectively is an essential skill for remote teams to ensure success in their work.

While remote work has become more popular and offers many benefits, it presents unique challenges, such as a lack of motivation and decreased productivity. However, you can effectively motivate and support your remote team by implementing effective strategies like those we discussed. As a result, employees will be more engaged and productive while working from home and delivering high-quality results.

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